We Want to Help! Download Departing Details for Free

March 31, 2020

Most of us are feeling helpless, bored and even scared in the midst of the COVID-19 tragedy.  

Our culture is one where talking about death and pre-planning for the inevitable is usually avoided. Now it is everywhere we look, even if our individual odds of contracting the virus and dying are low. 

We believe that planning ahead is one of the kindest things you can do for your family. As many of us are isolated or quarantined, it is an ideal time to not only clean out our closets but to organize our lives. The process of doing so often results in meaningful conversations and peace of mind once it is completed. However, most of us don’t know where to start. This is where we can help. 

The Departing Details Workbook is a step-by-step guide to leaving your loved ones with the information they need to know. It is available as a Word Document or PDF download that can be completed on your computer, saved and/or printed for a hard-copy binder. The Workbook has been sold in 20 countries, 48 US states and all Canadian provinces, and is easily transferable to other cultures and countries. 

Our goal is to assist as many people as possible by offering a FREE download of the Departing Details Workbook between today and April 14, 2020 at 11:59 PST. However, we need your help to spread the news, and assist us in getting the word out! 

To download the free Workbook:

  • Click the "Buy Online" button above, or click this link
  • Select "Add to Cart"
  • On the checkout page, enter in discount code: 100DIGITAL
  • Complete the purchase (no payment required) and download your workbook immediately on the checkout page. The link to download will appear in the lower left corner.
  • Save the Workbook (.zip file) download to your computer for later use.

Please feel free to share this offer with your family and friends!

As Ellen DeGeneres recently said, “Life is short and it is fragile, and we don’t know how many birthdays we get so just – you don’t have to have a birthday to celebrate- just celebrate life.” Planning ahead is one way of celebrating your life and leaving a loving legacy when the time comes. 

Enjoy the Departing Details Workbook and stay safe!
Rosemary Pahl and Steve Harris, the Departing Details Team. 

Woman working on a laptop at a table.
February 3, 2020
This article from the Financial Post discusses a recent poll of Canadian employees, which found that 60% would accept less money for better support of their personal well-being. Read more about how stress is affecting Canadians and the importance they are putting on mental health.
January 20, 2020
Dr. Ken Druck, one of our featured resources has a new book that is very relevant to our workbook users: "Raising Aging Parents: Guidelines for Families in the Second Half of Life." It is a very comprehensive book, dealing realistically with the trials and challenges of being responsible for aging parents and trying to ensure their lives remain as good as possible. Alternately, the content provides a very helpful perspective for those of us who are intent on planning ahead and leaving a less stressful set of circumstances for our family to deal with if we become incapable or pass away unexpectedly. Please visit www.kendruck.com . We thank Dr. Druck for providing a wonderful compliment to Departing Details Workbook by including a reference to it in the book as a very useful resource, as he details in his video .
A group of older individuals taking a selfie
October 15, 2019
This article from Forbes explains the surprising fact that many Americans over 55 don't have their affairs in order. Find out what's holding people back, why estate planning is so important, and some tips for tackling the difficult subject.
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