Let us know if you have any questions or comments at all about the workbook!
*Please note all testimonials are reviewed prior to being published.
The workbook is intended for a 2” or 3” three-ring binder with each topic divided by numbered tabs 1-25. Insert clear plastic sheet protectors with pockets behind each tab as this will make assembling your documents easy. Binders, packages of tabs and sheet protectors are available at any office supply store. Consider photocopying key documents and storing backups in a secure location outside your home or on the web in case of fire or flood.
The DDW is intended to guide you through assembling the documentation you need to leave an organized estate. It does not provide legal advice, nor is it a substitute for the guidance of professionals. To complete the sections on wills, power of attorney, advance directives, financial and funeral planning you’ll need to consult trusted professionals.
Your download of the Departing Details Workbook is meant for single use, which means you are not allowed to share or print for others. We encourage all of our customers and users to share this Workbook with their friends and family by directing them to our website to download.